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LibreOffice Base - Group 5

Forms Part 2

Video 9 - Protect a Field, Sort, Add Buttons

We will protect our employee-ID field, then then change the sort order of our table to sort the records by last name (instead of employe-ID), then add some buttons to our form to allow us to select the next and previous records.

Video 10 - Filter and Background

An introduction to the filter on the navitgation toolbar, how to change the background color/insert a background graphic also adding a logo on your form.

Video 11 - Radio Buttons

Add a radio button to replace the Gender Textbox on an updated version of odb10, then we take the original odb10 output change the Gender field type from Fixed Character to VarChar, then we need to update the data in that field, then we can add the radio buttons and check out the data source.