Video Tutorials
Personal FinanceKMyMoney- Personal Finanace Software
SpreadsheetsLibreOffice Calc- LibreOffice Calc - Learn how to use a Free alternative to Microsoft Excel
Word ProcessingLibreOffice Writer- Libre Office: Writer - A free alternative to Microsoft Word
Diagramming and Charting Tool:LibreOffice Draw- Libre Office: Draw - A free alternative to Microsoft Visio, can export your diagram to filetypes of BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, TIFF, and WMF
Image/Photo EditingPaint.Net- A basic tutorial of how to use the tools in Free image/photo editing tool Paint.Net
(Pinta 1.6 for Linux users)
Desktop e-mail clientThunderbird- Bring your Hotmail and/or your Yahoo Email right to your desktop using Thunderbird
Planetarium SoftwareStellarium- Stellarium - Free Planetarium Software
File BackupsSyncBack- Backup your folders using SyncBack a Free file backup tool (sync tool not reviewed here)
Fbackup- Backup files and folders using FBackup, a Free file and folder backup tool.
Easeus Toto File Backup- A free (at the time of the recording) way to backup files and directories
EncryptionTrueCrypt- Create an encypted area to store your folders and files with free encryption tool True Crypt
Stand alone ProgramsPortable Apps- A portable application is a software product designed to be easily moved form one computing environment to another