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Vim 13

Vim (43) VimDiff

Vim can compare 2 or three file with the vimdiff feature.

We compare 2 files in this video and show they can be seen side by side or one over the other.

Once vimdiff is opened with the two files, we see all the line changes and lines added and removed between the two files.

Page up, page down, j,k, or the arrow keys will scroll through the file

set noscrollbind will allow that document to scroll without scrolling both documents.

To jump to the next change press ]c
To jump to the previous change press [c

To get the change from the other file to the file the cursor is in, type:

To put the change you are on to the other file type:

If you make any changes, you may need to rescan for differences with:

do (for diff obtain) works the same as :diffget
dp (for diff put) works the same as :diffput