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Command Line 5
Root and Privileged Users

Linux Command Line (13) The Root User

The Root User is the default privileged user on the file system and can do anything to any file on the file system.

The root directory is the forward slash directory / where all files and directories are placed, the root user has admin privileges to anything in the root directory and most likely is why it is called the root user.

For the Ubuntu based operating system used in this video, required a user to be created at the time the operating system was installed. That user is a privileged user.

A privileged user logs in as a standard user, but does have root privileges to submit privileged commands, but must precede the command with "sudo" and typing in the privileged users password.

Typing sudo before a command allows a single command to be run as the root or superuser. To switch to be the root user a privileged user can type "sudo -i" and typing the command "exit" will return be back to my standard user privileges.