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Command Line 1
What is the Command Line

Linux Command Line (01) What is the Linux Command Line

Some people refer the the Linux Command Line as CLI for Command Line Interface.

The Linux Command Line is a way to send commands right to the operating system without using the Graphical User Interface (GUI) screens.

We will use a termianl window in this series to send our command to the operating sytem.

Reasons people would want to user the Command Line over the Point and Click GUI screens:

- Commands are the same on all versions of Linux (Red Had, Ubuntu, Arch Linux)
- Linux commands are based in Unix commands two unix based operating systems are Android and Mac
- Easy way to automate tasks using cron
- It can be fun
- You get more control when using the command line


Linux Command Line (02) Customize the Terminal

The terminal settings are found in a profile. A terminal can have one or many profiles.

We create new profiles and change the profile to use when starting a new terminal.

The profile can be customized in the profile preferences. The most common things to change are the font size, the font color, and background color.

We switch profiles showing how a different font size and color can make a big difference.